Welcome to the rebels

Here you can find a wide range of information about raw feeding for pets. Raw feeding is now so popular and widespread that it’s no longer possible for this site to provide comprehensive supplier details and advertising. On behalf of all the raw feeders, this site has helped we are hugely grateful for the support provided by Nutriment, Smartbarf, Natural Instinct, Albion Meat Products and Naturaw.

We have some of our excellent content and articles for you to read.

Articles & Guides

Yoghurt & milk

My PERSONAL feeling on it as it seems we are getting many questions about yoghurt and milk Yoghurt & milk does not feature in most raw diets, apart from Volhardt and even there... READ MORE

PET FOOD Science Magazine

We love to keep you informed on the latest developments in the pet food industry with our own very special PET FOOD Science Magazine for the discerning pet food professional. You love science?... READ MORE

Books on Raw

Want to know more! Here are some book ideas on raw, some are solely about food or dog nutrition others touch on it in various ways or could be applied to pets, also... READ MORE

To use plants or not

Throwing it out there, the endless raw debate… to use plants or not, as all too often things are being presented as fact such as there is no benefit for dogs to eat any... READ MORE

Bad Breath?

Bad breath is a symptom and NOT something you want to cover up, most importantly is to find the cause.    Most common causes of Bad Breath Plaque, tartar, dental infection or gum... READ MORE